Bbnaija shine ya eye reunion day 10 cross saskay jaypauls messy triangle glory elijah

The drama never ends in the BBNaija house!

Day 10 of the Shine Ya Eye reunion has been a wild ride, especially with the messy triangle involving Cross, Saskay, and JayPaul.

For those who may not know, Cross and Saskay had been getting cozy, but things took a turn when JayPaul, who had been interested in Saskay, found out about their budding relationship. The drama unfolded as JayPaul confronted Cross, accusing him of playing with Saskay's emotions.

Saskay, caught in the middle, tried to explain herself, but it seemed like both guys were more interested in arguing with each other than listening to her. The tension was palpable, and it was clear that this messy triangle was far from over.

Glory, who had been observing the drama unfold, couldn't help but chime in, sharing her own thoughts on the situation. Elijah, who had been relatively quiet until now, also jumped into the conversation, offering his two cents.

The reunion has been filled with plenty of drama, but this particular episode has been one for the books. It's clear that these housemates still have a lot of unresolved issues to work through, and it'll be interesting to see how things play out in the coming days.

What do you think about the drama that went down? Are you Team Cross, Team JayPaul, or Team Saskay? Let me know in the comments!