Bbnaija season 7 phyna and amaka fight dirty

It seems like you're referring to a recent development in the Big Brother Naija (BBNaija) Season 7 show!

Yes, Phyna and Amaka did have a heated argument on the show, which led to a physical altercation. The incident occurred during a task where the housemates were required to work together to complete a challenge. However, things took a turn for the worse when Phyna and Amaka got into a disagreement over the way the task was being handled.

The argument escalated quickly, with both housemates shouting at each other and eventually, things got physical. The other housemates had to intervene to prevent the situation from getting out of hand.

The incident sparked a lot of reactions on social media, with many fans expressing shock and disappointment at the way the situation unfolded. The fight also raised questions about the dynamics within the house and how the housemates interact with each other.

It's worth noting that the BBNaija show is known for its dramatic and intense moments, and this fight was just one of many that have occurred throughout the season. Despite the drama, the show has continued to entertain fans and keep them engaged.

What do you think about the fight between Phyna and Amaka? Were you surprised by the way things escalated?