Bbnaija season 7 level up live nomination week 7 who will be up

Exciting times in the Big Brother Naija house!

As we're in Week 7 of Level Up, the Live Nomination show is just around the corner. Based on the current dynamics and the housemates' performances, here are my predictions for who might be up for nomination:

Possible Nominees:

  1. Chomzy: With her strong social game and strategic moves, Chomzy has been a force to be reckoned with in the house. She might be a target for the other housemates, especially if they feel threatened by her growing influence.
  2. Rico Swavey: As a strong competitor in the challenges and a fan favorite, Rico Swavey might be a target for the other housemates who want to take him down. His outspoken nature and confidence might also make him a target for eviction.
  3. Phyna: With her growing popularity and strong connections in the house, Phyna might be a target for the other housemates who want to take her down. Her outspoken nature and strong opinions might also make her a target for eviction.
  4. Kess: As a strong competitor in the challenges and a fan favorite, Kess might be a target for the other housemates who want to take him down. His growing influence in the house and his strong social game might also make him a target for eviction.
  5. Bella: With her strong social game and strategic moves, Bella might be a target for the other housemates who feel threatened by her growing influence. Her outspoken nature and strong opinions might also make her a target for eviction.


  1. Ilebaye: As a strong competitor in the challenges and a fan favorite, Ilebaye might be a wildcard nomination. His growing popularity and strong connections in the house might make him a target for eviction.
  2. Dotun: With his strong social game and strategic moves, Dotun might be a wildcard nomination. His growing influence in the house and his strong connections with other housemates might make him a target for eviction.

Remember, these are just predictions, and the actual nominees might be different. The Live Nomination show is always full of surprises, and the housemates' decisions can be influenced by various factors, including their relationships, alliances, and personal opinions.

Stay tuned for the Live Nomination show to find out who will be up for eviction in Week 7 of Big Brother Naija Season 7, Level Up!