Bbnaija season 7 groovy and phyna are at it again groovy phyna bbn trending viral levelup

It seems like the drama is heating up in the Big Brother Naija (BBN) house!

Groovy and Phyna, two of the housemates, are at it again, and their drama is trending on social media. It's not uncommon for housemates to have disagreements and conflicts, but it seems like this particular drama is reaching a viral level.

For those who may not be familiar, Groovy and Phyna are two of the popular housemates in the ongoing Season 7 of BBN. They have been getting along well until recently, when things took a turn for the worse.

From what I've gathered, the drama started when Groovy made some comments that Phyna took offense to. Phyna felt disrespected and hurt, and things escalated quickly. The two housemates have been at odds ever since, and their drama is now dominating the headlines.

Fans are going wild on social media, sharing their thoughts and opinions on the drama. Some are siding with Groovy, while others are supporting Phyna. It's all getting quite intense!

As the drama unfolds, it's clear that this season of BBN is going to be one to remember. The housemates are getting more and more dramatic by the day, and it's only a matter of time before things get even more explosive.

What do you think about the drama between Groovy and Phyna? Are you team Groovy or team Phyna? Let me know in the comments!