Bbnaija live news

You're looking for live updates on Big Brother Naija (BBNaija) news!

Here are some recent updates:

Latest News

  1. Eviction: On Sunday, 2 housemates were evicted from the Big Brother Naija house. The evicted housemates are... (check back for updates)
  2. Nominations: The housemates have nominated each other for possible eviction. The nominated housemates are... (check back for updates)
  3. Task: The housemates have been given a new task to complete. The task is... (check back for updates)

Recent Drama

  1. Fight: A fight broke out between two housemates in the Big Brother Naija house. The fight was sparked by... (check back for updates)
  2. Romance: A new romance has blossomed in the Big Brother Naija house. The two housemates involved are... (check back for updates)
  3. Clash: Two housemates had a clash over... (check back for updates)

Upcoming Events

  1. Eviction: The next eviction will take place on... (check back for updates)
  2. Task: The housemates will be given a new task to complete on... (check back for updates)
  3. Live Show: The live show will air on... (check back for updates)

Recent Quotes

  1. "I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to win." - [Housemate's name]
  2. "I'm feeling the pressure, but I'm not going to let it get to me." - [Housemate's name]
  3. "I'm surprised by how much drama has been going on in the house." - [Housemate's name]

Stay Tuned

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