Bbnaija groovy confronts sheggz about his phynas fght clears him on their relationship

(The scene is set in the Big Brother Naija house, where Groovy and Sheggz are having a conversation)

Groovy: "Sheggz, I need to talk to you about something. I've been noticing that you've been getting pretty close to Phyna lately."

Sheggz: "What are you talking about, Groovy? We're just friends."

Groovy: "Just friends? Come on, Sheggz. I've seen the way you look at her, the way you talk to her. You're clearly into her."

Sheggz: "Groovy, I'm just being friendly. I don't have any romantic feelings for Phyna."

Groovy: "Okay, okay. But what about the fight you got into with her the other day? You were both shouting at each other, and it looked like things were getting pretty heated."

Sheggz: "Ah, that? That was just a misunderstanding. We were both stressed out and took it out on each other. It's all good now."

Groovy: "I see. Well, I just wanted to clear the air because I care about you, Sheggz. I don't want to see you get hurt or get into any drama that's not worth it."

Sheggz: "Thanks, Groovy. I appreciate your concern. But honestly, I'm not interested in Phyna romantically. We're just friends, and I value our friendship."

Groovy: "Okay, I believe you. I just wanted to make sure. Let's move forward and focus on our own relationships and friendships in the house."

Sheggz: "Agreed. Thanks for being a good friend, Groovy."

(The scene ends with Groovy and Sheggz shaking hands and moving on from the conversation)

This conversation clears up any misunderstandings between Groovy and Sheggz, and they can now focus on their own relationships and friendships in the house.