Bbnaija gist all of us na illiterate for these streets laughed amaka bbnaija big brother

It seems like you're referring to a popular Nigerian reality TV show, Big Brother Naija (BBNaija), and a particular moment where a housemate, Amaka, made a comment that sparked laughter and amusement among the audience.

For those who may not be familiar, BBNaija is a Nigerian reality TV show where a group of contestants, known as "housemates," live together in a specially designed house with cameras and microphones recording their every move, 24/7. The show is known for its drama, romance, and humor, and has become a cultural phenomenon in Nigeria and beyond.

In this particular instance, Amaka, a housemate, made a comment that was perceived as humorous by the audience. It seems like she said something that poked fun at the idea that many people, including herself, may not be well-educated or literate, but are still able to navigate the challenges of everyday life.

The comment was met with laughter and amusement from the audience, and it's likely that many people could relate to Amaka's sentiment. After all, education is not the only measure of intelligence or success, and many people have found ways to thrive despite not having a formal education.

It's also worth noting that Amaka's comment may have been a way of poking fun at the societal pressure to be highly educated, and the stigma that can come with not having a formal education. By making light of the situation, Amaka may have been trying to break down barriers and promote a more inclusive and accepting environment.

Overall, it seems like Amaka's comment was a lighthearted and humorous moment that brought laughter and joy to the audience.