Bbnaija 2022 you are a d0g chizzy tells bella😱 sheggz fghts chizzzy bbnaija level up season


(Bella and Chizzy are sitting in the garden, enjoying the evening breeze)

Bella: Chizzy, I've been noticing that you've been getting really close to Sheggz lately. What's going on between you two?

Chizzy: (nervously) Oh, Bella, it's nothing. We're just friends. (whispers) But, between you and me, I think he's got feelings for me.

Bella: (raises an eyebrow) Really? I didn't know that. But, Chizzy, you're a dog! You can't be in a romantic relationship with a human!

Chizzy: (defensively) Hey, I know it's unconventional, but I don't care! I love Sheggz, and I think he loves me too. (paws at the ground) Besides, we're in a reality show, and anything can happen, right?

(Suddenly, Sheggz storms into the garden, looking furious)

Sheggz: (yelling) Chizzy, what's going on here?! I saw you flirting with Bella, and I know you're trying to play me!

Chizzy: (backing away) Whoa, Sheggz, calm down! I was just having a conversation with Bella, that's all!

Sheggz: (sneering) Save it, Chizzy! You're a dog, and you'll always be a dog! You'll never be good enough for me!

(Bella tries to intervene, but Sheggz is too angry)

Chizzy: (growling) That's it, Sheggz! You're going down! (jumps up and starts growling at Sheggz)

(The other housemates rush into the garden, trying to break up the fight)

Biggie's voice: (over the loudspeaker) What's going on in the garden?! Chizzy, Sheggz, stop fighting! This is not what Level Up is about!

(The fight is eventually broken up, and Chizzy and Sheggz are separated)

Bella: (concerned) Chizzy, are you okay? That was really scary.

Chizzy: (panting) Yeah, I'm fine. But I think I need to reevaluate my feelings for Sheggz. Maybe I was blinded by love. (wags tail) But I'm not giving up on love just yet!

(The scene ends with Chizzy looking determined, while Sheggz looks on, still fuming)