Bbnaija 2022 sheggz and bella romantic ship shella big brotherly naija season 7 bbn level up news

The romantic ship between Sheggz and Bella in Big Brother Naija (BBN) Season 7, also known as "Level Up"!

For those who may not know, Sheggz and Bella are two housemates who have been making waves in the BBN house with their undeniable chemistry and romance. Here's a quick recap of their journey so far:

How it started: Sheggz, a 27-year-old footballer, and Bella, a 21-year-old entrepreneur, first caught each other's attention during a game night in the house. They bonded over their shared love of sports and humor, and their conversations flowed effortlessly.

The spark: As the days went by, their friendship blossomed into something more. They started sharing intimate moments, like cuddling and whispering sweet nothings to each other. The other housemates couldn't help but notice the chemistry between them, and soon, #Shella became a trending topic on social media.

The ups and downs: Like any couple, Sheggz and Bella have faced their fair share of challenges. They've had disagreements and misunderstandings, but they've always managed to work through their issues and come out stronger on the other side.

The fans' reaction: The BBN fans, affectionately known as "Shella Squad," have been rooting for the couple from the start. They've been sending them love and support, and their ship has become one of the most popular in the house.

The future: As the season progresses, it's unclear what the future holds for Sheggz and Bella. Will they continue to navigate the ups and downs of their relationship, or will they decide to part ways? Only time will tell, but for now, the Shella Squad is enjoying the ride!

What do you think about the Sheggz and Bella romance? Are you rooting for them to make it work, or do you think they're better off as friends? Let me know in the comments!