Bbnaija 2022 phyna fights groovy over his task presentation with amaka phyna groovy fight

It seems like you're referring to a recent drama that unfolded in the Big Brother Naija (BBNaija) 2022 house!

From what I gathered, Phyna and Groovy got into a heated argument over a task presentation with Amaka. It's not uncommon for housemates to have disagreements, especially when it comes to tasks and competitions.

From what I've seen, Phyna felt that Groovy didn't contribute enough to the presentation and was being lazy, while Groovy felt that Phyna was being too harsh and unfair. Amaka, who was also part of the task, seemed to be caught in the middle.

The argument escalated, with both Phyna and Groovy expressing their frustrations and emotions. It's understandable that tensions can run high when housemates have different opinions and expectations.

However, as we all know, drama and conflicts are an integral part of the BBNaija experience! It's how the housemates handle these situations that can make or break their relationships and ultimately, their chances of winning the grand prize.

What do you think about this drama? Are you Team Phyna or Team Groovy?