Bbnaija 2022 live bryann chi chi scattered the saturday night party bbn season 7 level up

It sounds like you're referring to the recent Saturday night party in Big Brother Naija (BBNaija) Season 7, Level Up!

From what I've gathered, it seems like Bryann and Chi Chi had a bit of a drama-filled night. For those who might not know, Bryann and Chi Chi are two of the housemates in the show, and they've had a complicated relationship throughout the season.

Apparently, things got heated between them during the Saturday night party, and it seemed like they had a bit of a disagreement or argument. The exact details are still unclear, but it's been reported that Chi Chi was upset with Bryann over something, and it led to a bit of a confrontation.

The drama unfolded live on TV, and fans of the show were left wondering what was going on. It's not uncommon for housemates to have disagreements or conflicts in the BBNaija house, but this particular incident seemed to have caught everyone off guard.

As the drama unfolded, other housemates tried to intervene and calm the situation down, but it seemed like things had already gotten out of hand. The tension was palpable, and it was clear that the atmosphere in the house had changed.

Of course, this is all part of the drama and entertainment that comes with watching BBNaija, and fans are always eager to see what will happen next. Will Bryann and Chi Chi be able to work things out, or will their relationship continue to be rocky? Only time will tell!

What do you think about the drama that unfolded between Bryann and Chi Chi? Are you a fan of BBNaija, and do you have a favorite housemate or storyline?