Bbnaija 2022 live amakas strike for microphone infringement bbn season 7 level up

It seems like you're referring to the ongoing Big Brother Naija (BBN) Season 7, also known as "Level Up". Amaka, one of the housemates, has allegedly struck for microphone infringement.

For those who may not be familiar, in the BBN house, the microphone is a crucial tool for housemates to express themselves, share their thoughts, and participate in conversations. When a housemate "strikes" for microphone infringement, it means they're protesting or refusing to participate in a conversation or activity because they feel their right to use the microphone has been breached or restricted.

In this case, Amaka's strike might be due to a disagreement or perceived injustice regarding the use of the microphone. This could be related to issues like:

  1. Limited speaking time: Amaka might feel that she's not getting enough time to express herself or share her thoughts, leading to frustration and a desire to strike.
  2. Microphone dominance: Another housemate might be dominating the conversation, leaving Amaka feeling unheard or marginalized, prompting her to take a stand.
  3. Unfair treatment: Amaka might believe that she's being unfairly targeted or treated differently by Big Brother or other housemates, leading to a sense of injustice and a desire to strike.

It's essential to note that the BBN house is a dynamic environment, and conflicts are inevitable. The show's producers and Big Brother himself often intervene to resolve disputes and maintain a peaceful atmosphere.

As the show progresses, it'll be interesting to see how Amaka's strike unfolds and how the other housemates respond to the situation. Will she be able to resolve her issues and continue participating in the game, or will her strike have a significant impact on the dynamics of the house? Only time will tell!