Bbnaija 2022 khalid fngr fck daniella hard again big brother naija season 7 live

It seems like you're referring to the ongoing Big Brother Naija (BBNaija) Season 7, and specifically, the drama between Khalid and Daniella.

For those who may not be aware, Khalid and Daniella have been involved in a romantic relationship within the BBNaija house. However, their relationship has been facing some challenges, and it appears that Khalid has had a disagreement with Daniella, which has led to some tension between them.

As you mentioned, Khalid was seen having a heated conversation with Daniella, and it seemed like he was upset with her. The exact details of their conversation are not publicly known, but it's clear that there was some kind of disagreement between them.

It's worth noting that the BBNaija house is a reality TV show, and the drama that unfolds within the house is often amplified for entertainment purposes. While the show is meant to be entertaining, it's also important to remember that the contestants are real people with their own emotions and feelings.

In any case, it's clear that Khalid and Daniella's relationship is facing some challenges, and it will be interesting to see how things unfold in the coming days.