Bbnaija 2022 housemates present hausa wager task dance i bbnaija season 7 l level up

I think I can help you with that!

In Big Brother Naija (BBNaija) Season 7, also known as "Level Up," the Hausa Wager Task was a challenge that required the housemates to showcase their cultural heritage and traditions. As part of the task, the housemates were asked to perform a traditional Hausa dance.

Here's a brief summary of the task:

Task: Hausa Wager Task - Dance

Objective: To showcase their understanding and appreciation of Hausa culture by performing a traditional Hausa dance.

Challenge: The housemates were divided into two teams, and each team had to learn and perform a traditional Hausa dance. The dance was to be performed in front of the other housemates, and the team that performed the best would win the wager.

Performance: The housemates put on a lively and energetic performance, showcasing their best moves and cultural flair. The dance was a fusion of traditional Hausa steps, rhythms, and costumes, which added to the excitement and entertainment value of the task.

Judging: The housemates were judged on their performance, creativity, and overall cultural representation. The winning team received a wager, which was a reward for their hard work and dedication to the task.

Highlights: The Hausa Wager Task was an exciting and memorable moment in the BBNaija Season 7 journey. The housemates' performances were impressive, and the task helped to promote cultural awareness and appreciation among the contestants.

I hope this summary helps!