Bbnaija 2022 gbas gbos begins as both levels finally merge😱😱 sunday live eviction show bbn 7

It's finally here! The much-anticipated merge of both levels in Big Brother Naija (BBNaija) 2022 has taken place, and it's going to be an exciting ride! 🎉

As announced earlier, the Sunday Live Eviction Show marked the end of the two-level system, and all the housemates are now living together in one big house. This means that the dynamics in the house are about to change dramatically, and alliances will be put to the test. 💥

The merge has brought together 24 housemates, each with their own strengths, weaknesses, and strategies. The competition is expected to get fiercer, and the stakes are higher than ever. Who will emerge as the strongest player in the game? Only time will tell! 🕰️

The Sunday Live Eviction Show was filled with drama, suspense, and surprises. The housemates had to face a series of challenges and games, and one housemate was eventually evicted from the show. 🚫

The next few weeks will be crucial in determining the fate of the remaining housemates. Will they be able to work together to achieve their goals, or will individual ambitions tear them apart? The drama is just beginning, and we can't wait to see what's in store! 🎬

Stay tuned for more updates, and get ready to join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #BBNaija. Who's your favorite housemate? Let us know in the comments! 💬