Bbnaija 2022 doyin is bitter over deji and chichis pool party activities deji complains to dotun

It seems like we're diving into the drama-filled world of Big Brother Naija 2022!

So, it appears that Doyin is feeling bitter about Deji and ChiChi's pool party activities, and Deji has decided to vent to Dotun about it. Here's a possible scenario:

(Doyin is seen sulking in the garden, looking upset)

Doyin: (to herself) Ugh, I can't believe Deji and ChiChi are doing this. They're always together, and now they're having a pool party without me. It's like they're rubbing it in my face.

(Deji walks in, looking relaxed)

Deji: Hey, Doyin. What's wrong? You look upset.

Doyin: (sighing) Nothing, Deji. Just tired, that's all.

Deji: (skeptical) Come on, Doyin. You're not fooling anyone. You're clearly upset about something. What's going on?

Doyin: (hesitant) Fine. I saw you and ChiChi having a pool party without me. And it really hurt my feelings.

Deji: (calmly) Oh, Doyin. We didn't mean to hurt your feelings. We just wanted to have some fun and relax.

Doyin: (angrily) Relax? You call that relaxing? You're always together, and I'm always left out. It feels like you're excluding me on purpose.

Deji: (defensively) That's not true, Doyin. We didn't mean to exclude you. We just didn't think to invite you.

Doyin: (bitterly) Yeah, right. You always think about yourselves, don't you?

(Deji looks taken aback by Doyin's outburst)

Deji: (calmly) Doyin, I think we should talk about this later. I'm going to go find Dotun and see if he can help us work things out.

(Deyi walks off, leaving Doyin looking upset and frustrated)

(Dotun is seen sitting in the living room, looking concerned)

Dotun: (to Deji) What's going on, Deji? You look upset.

Deji: (sighing) Doyin is upset because she feels like I'm excluding her from our activities. She saw me and ChiChi having a pool party without her, and it really hurt her feelings.

Dotun: (sympathetically) Ah, poor Doyin. She's been feeling left out a lot lately, hasn't she?

Deji: (nodding) Yeah. And I feel bad because I didn't mean to hurt her feelings. I just didn't think to invite her.

Dotun: (wisely) Well, Deji, sometimes it's the little things that can make a big difference. Maybe you should try to include Doyin more in your activities. She's a great person, and she deserves to feel included.

Deji: (nodding) You're right, Dotun. I'll try to do better.

(Dotun pats Deji on the back, and they both sit down to talk more about the situation)

And that's the drama-filled world of Big Brother Naija 2022 for you!