Bbnaija 2022 bryann confronts hermes over their misunderstanding bryann hermes conversation

Here's a possible conversation between Bryann and Hermes after their misunderstanding in BBNaija 2022:

Setting: The living room of the Big Brother Naija house. Bryann and Hermes are sitting on the couch, facing each other.

Bryann: (calmly) Hermes, can we talk about what happened earlier?

Hermes: (sighs) Yeah, what's up?

Bryann: (frustrated) You know exactly what's up. You said some things that really hurt me, and I don't think you realized the impact they had.

Hermes: (defensive) What are you talking about? I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

Bryann: (firmly) You said I was being too sensitive and that I was overreacting. But the truth is, your words cut deep. You know how much I value our friendship, and to hear you say that I'm being too sensitive... it felt like you were dismissing my feelings.

Hermes: (apologetic) Bryann, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel that way. I was just trying to diffuse the situation.

Bryann: (emotional) Diffuse the situation? By making me feel like I'm being too sensitive? That's not how you handle conflicts, Hermes. You should have listened to me, validated my feelings, and then we could have worked through the issue together.

Hermes: (sincerely) You're right. I was wrong to react that way. I should have been more empathetic. Can you forgive me?

Bryann: (hesitates) I need some time to process everything. But I want us to work through this, Hermes. I value our friendship too much to let this misunderstanding come between us.

Hermes: (nods) I understand. I'll give you space. But can we at least agree to communicate better in the future?

Bryann: (smiles slightly) Yeah, let's do that.

Hermes: (smiles back) Alright. I'm sorry again, Bryann.

Bryann: (nods) Me too, Hermes. Me too.

This conversation is just a possible representation of what might have happened between Bryann and Hermes. The actual conversation may have been different, but it's an attempt to show how they might have worked through their misunderstanding.