Bbnaija 2022 beauty and groovy live conversation about the heated fight between beauty and ilebaye

Here's a live conversation between Beauty and Groovy about the heated fight between Beauty and Ilebaye:

Beauty: (sighs) Groovy, I'm still fuming about what happened between me and Ilebaye earlier. I thought we were cool, but I guess I was wrong.

Groovy: What happened, Beauty? You two were getting along just fine, weren't you?

Beauty: Yeah, we were. But then she started talking trash about me behind my back, saying I'm fake and manipulative. And when I confronted her, she denied it and started throwing shade at me.

Groovy: Whoa, that's low. Did you guys have a physical fight or something?

Beauty: No, but it was intense. We were both yelling and our voices were raised. I was so angry, I wanted to slap her. But I didn't, because I know that would've escalated things even more.

Groovy: I can imagine. You're usually so calm and collected, Beauty. What got to you this time?

Beauty: Honestly, it's just been building up for a while. She's been making snide comments and trying to stir up drama, and I've had enough. I'm tired of being disrespected and talked about behind my back.

Groovy: I feel you, Beauty. You deserve better than that. But maybe we should try to talk to her and clear the air? Sometimes, people say things they don't mean when they're stressed or upset.

Beauty: I don't know, Groovy. I'm not sure I can trust her right now. And even if I did, I'm not sure she's willing to listen or apologize. She's always been a bit of a drama queen, and I think she enjoys the attention.

Groovy: Yeah, that's true. But we should at least try to talk to her and see if we can resolve this. For the sake of the house, you know?

Beauty: (sighs) You're right, Groovy. I'll try to talk to her and see if we can work things out. But if she's not willing to listen or apologize, then I'm done with her drama.

Groovy: That's the spirit, Beauty! Let's go talk to her and see what happens.

Beauty: (nods) Alright, let's do this.