Bbnaija 2022 after party dramas next week im grabbing groovy by the shirtchomzy

It sounds like you're excited about the upcoming drama-filled after-party of BBNaija 2022! "Groovy" and "Chomzy" are indeed two popular housemates who have been making waves in the show. It's not surprising that you're looking forward to seeing what unfolds next week.

For those who may not be familiar, "Groovy" is a charming and charismatic housemate who has been making a name for himself in the show. He's known for his smooth moves and charming personality, which has won over many fans.

On the other hand, "Chomzy" is a feisty and outspoken housemate who isn't afraid to speak her mind. She's been involved in several dramatic moments in the show, and it's likely that she'll continue to stir up controversy in the coming weeks.

It's going to be an exciting ride, that's for sure! Are you rooting for Groovy or Chomzy, or do you think someone else will steal the spotlight?