Bbnaija 2021 saga nini shippers apply pressure 4 their relationship frankly speaking with glory

It seems like you're referring to the ongoing drama surrounding Nini and Saga's relationship in the Big Brother Naija (BBNaija) 2021 season.

For those who may not be aware, Nini and Saga are housemates in the show, and their relationship has been a topic of interest among fans. While they initially kept their feelings private, they eventually opened up about their connection, and fans have been rooting for them to be together.

As a "Nini shipper," you're likely eager to see their relationship flourish. However, it's understandable that you might be feeling frustrated or concerned about the challenges they're facing.

In your words, you're applying pressure for their relationship to work out "frankly speaking with Glory." I sense that you're seeking advice or reassurance that their love can overcome any obstacles they may encounter.

Here's a response that acknowledges your concerns and offers some words of encouragement:

Firstly, it's essential to recognize that Nini and Saga are adults who can make their own decisions about their relationship. While fans like you can offer support and encouragement, ultimately, their relationship is between the two of them.

That being said, it's natural to feel invested in their relationship, especially since they've been open about their feelings. As a fan, you can continue to show your support by sending positive vibes their way and celebrating their love.

Regarding the challenges they might face, it's true that relationships can be tough, especially when they're in the public eye. However, if Nini and Saga are committed to making their relationship work, they'll likely face those challenges together and come out stronger on the other side.

In the meantime, it's crucial to remember that their relationship is not defined by the opinions of others. Nini and Saga should focus on nurturing their love and communication, and fans like you can continue to offer support and encouragement from the sidelines.

Lastly, it's essential to respect their boundaries and decisions, even if they don't align with your expectations. As a fan, your primary role is to support and celebrate their love, not to dictate how their relationship should unfold.

I hope this response helps you feel better about the situation, and I wish Nini and Saga all the best in their relationship!