Bbnaija 2021 housemates scared at kayvees behaviour ask big brother to step in

It seems like there's some drama brewing in the Big Brother Naija (BBNaija) 2021 house!

According to reports, some of the housemates are feeling uneasy and scared due to Kayvee's behavior. It's alleged that Kayvee has been acting strangely, and his actions have left some of the other housemates feeling uncomfortable and worried.

Apparently, the housemates have decided to reach out to Big Brother, asking him to step in and address the situation. They're hoping that Big Brother will have a word with Kayvee and help to calm the situation down.

It's not clear what exactly Kayvee has done to upset the other housemates, but it's clear that tensions are running high in the house. Fingers crossed that Big Brother will be able to intervene and restore peace to the BBNaija 2021 house!

What do you think is going on with Kayvee? Have you been following the drama in the BBNaija 2021 house? Share your thoughts!