Bbnaija 2021 housemates play the wildest truth or dare 😅 queen whitemoney glory elijah fswg

It sounds like you're referring to the popular Nigerian reality TV show, Big Brother Naija (BBNaija), and the 2021 season's housemates, specifically Queen, Whitemoney, Glory, Elijah, and FSWG (Felix).

For those who may not know, "Truth or Dare" is a popular game where participants are presented with two options: either answer a truth question truthfully or perform a dare task. The game is often played in a fun and light-hearted manner, but it can also lead to some wild and entertaining moments!

If I had to imagine what a "Truth or Dare" game with these BBNaija 2021 housemates might look like, I'd say it would be a thrilling and unpredictable ride! Here are a few possible scenarios:

  1. Queen might choose to answer a truth question, revealing a surprising fact about herself, like a hidden talent or a secret crush.
  2. Whitemoney, being the charming and outgoing person he is, might opt for a dare task, like singing a funny song in front of the whole house or doing a silly dance.
  3. Glory, being the sweet and gentle soul she is, might choose to answer a truth question, sharing a heartfelt story about her life or a personal struggle she's faced.
  4. Elijah, being the confident and outspoken person he is, might decide to take on a dare task, like eating a spicy meal or doing a crazy challenge.
  5. FSWG, being the fun-loving and adventurous person he is, might choose to answer a truth question, revealing a surprising fact about himself, like a hidden fear or a secret ambition.

Of course, this is all just speculation, and the actual game would depend on the housemates' personalities, preferences, and willingness to take risks! But one thing's for sure - it would be an entertaining and unforgettable experience!