Bbnaija 2021 big brother naija housemates their annoying homecoming events glory elijah

The drama and excitement of Big Brother Naija (BBNaija) 2021! Let's dive into the annoying homecoming events of some of the housemates, particularly Glory and Elijah.

Glory's Homecoming

Glory's homecoming was quite the drama-filled event. She returned to the house after being evicted, and her reunion with her fellow housemates was filled with tension and awkwardness. Here are a few reasons why her homecoming was annoying:

  1. Drama with Saskay: Glory's reunion with Saskay was particularly cringeworthy. The two had a falling out earlier in the game, and their reunion was filled with passive-aggressive comments and awkward silences.
  2. Ignoring other housemates: Glory seemed to only care about reconnecting with Saskay and ignored the other housemates, including her former allies. This led to feelings of resentment and exclusion among the other housemates.
  3. Overemphasis on her own feelings: Glory spent a lot of time talking about her own emotions and how she felt during her time in the house. While it's understandable to share one's feelings, her constant focus on herself became annoying to some viewers.

Elijah's Homecoming

Elijah's homecoming was also filled with drama and controversy. Here are a few reasons why his homecoming was annoying:

  1. Disrespect to other housemates: Elijah's return to the house was marked by his disrespect towards some of his former housemates, particularly Nini and Saga. He made some condescending comments and seemed to belittle their experiences in the house.
  2. Lack of accountability: Elijah refused to take responsibility for his actions during his time in the house, including his treatment of some of his fellow housemates. This lack of accountability was frustrating for many viewers.
  3. Overemphasis on his own ego: Elijah's homecoming was also marked by his constant talk about his own accomplishments and how he was the "king" of the house. This self-aggrandizement became annoying to some viewers.

Other Annoying Moments

While Glory and Elijah's homecomings were particularly annoying, there were other moments throughout the season that were frustrating for viewers. Here are a few examples:

  1. The constant drama: BBNaija is known for its drama, but some of the conflicts and arguments between housemates felt manufactured or exaggerated for the sake of entertainment.
  2. The lack of strategy: Some housemates, particularly the newer ones, seemed to lack a clear strategy for winning the game. This led to some frustrating moments, such as when they made impulsive decisions or failed to form strong alliances.
  3. The constant whining: Some housemates, particularly the more emotional ones, spent a lot of time complaining and whining about their experiences in the house. This constant negativity became annoying to some viewers.

Overall, while BBNaija 2021 was an entertaining season, there were certainly some annoying moments that tested viewers' patience.