Bbnaija 2019 khafi on gedonis sweet love making the news in the uk the body odour rumor

You're referring to the controversy surrounding Khafi Kareem, a contestant on Big Brother Naija (BBNaija) 2019, and her alleged romantic relationship with Gedoni Ekpata, another housemate.

For those who may not be familiar, Khafi and Gedoni's relationship became a topic of discussion in the UK media, particularly in the Nigerian community, after they were evicted from the BBNaija house. The controversy centered around rumors of their alleged romantic relationship, which some people felt was inappropriate given their professional roles as a police officer (Khafi) and a soldier (Gedoni).

The rumors also led to speculation about Khafi's body odor, with some people claiming that she had a strong body odor that was noticeable during her time in the BBNaija house. This rumor was widely reported in the UK media, with some outlets even publishing articles and social media posts about the alleged issue.

However, it's worth noting that neither Khafi nor Gedoni has publicly confirmed the rumors about their relationship or Khafi's body odor. In fact, Khafi has denied the rumors about her body odor, stating that she takes good care of her personal hygiene and that the rumors were unfounded.

The controversy surrounding Khafi and Gedoni's relationship has sparked a wider conversation about the treatment of women in the media and the double standards that often apply to women's bodies and personal lives. Many people have criticized the media for sensationalizing the rumors and perpetuating harmful stereotypes about women's bodies and personal hygiene.

In any case, the controversy has undoubtedly had a significant impact on Khafi's personal and professional life, and it's important to remember that individuals should be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their profession or personal relationships.