Bbc world service news reader

The BBC World Service has had many talented news readers over the years. Here are a few well-known ones:

  1. Kamal Ahmed: A British journalist and newsreader, Ahmed has presented the BBC World Service's flagship news program, "Newshour", since 2014.
  2. Anita Anand: An Indian-born British journalist and newsreader, Anand has presented various BBC World Service programs, including "Newshour" and "The World Tonight".
  3. Razia Iqbal: A British journalist and newsreader, Iqbal has presented the BBC World Service's "Newshour" program and has also worked as a correspondent in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
  4. Tim Franks: A British journalist and newsreader, Franks has presented the BBC World Service's "Newshour" program and has also worked as a correspondent in the Middle East and Africa.
  5. Carole Walker: A British journalist and newsreader, Walker has presented various BBC World Service programs, including "Newshour" and "The World Tonight".
  6. Ruth Alexander: A British journalist and newsreader, Alexander has presented the BBC World Service's "Newshour" program and has also worked as a correspondent in the United States.
  7. Mike Wooldridge: A British journalist and newsreader, Wooldridge has presented various BBC World Service programs, including "Newshour" and "The World Tonight".
  8. Sue Montgomery: A British journalist and newsreader, Montgomery has presented the BBC World Service's "Newshour" program and has also worked as a correspondent in Europe and Africa.

These are just a few examples of the many talented news readers who have worked for the BBC World Service over the years.