Bbc world service news radio app

The BBC World Service News Radio app is a popular app that provides news and current affairs programming from the BBC, one of the world's largest and most respected news organizations. Here are some key features and benefits of the app:


  1. Live Radio Streams: The app offers live radio streams of the BBC World Service, which broadcasts news and current affairs programming 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  2. On-Demand Content: You can listen to podcasts and on-demand content, including news bulletins, analysis, and documentaries.
  3. Personalization: You can customize your listening experience by selecting your preferred language, news topics, and categories.
  4. Push Notifications: The app sends push notifications to keep you informed about breaking news and updates.
  5. Offline Listening: You can download content for offline listening, making it easy to stay informed even without an internet connection.


  1. Global News Coverage: The BBC World Service provides comprehensive coverage of global news, with correspondents and reporters stationed around the world.
  2. In-Depth Analysis: The app offers in-depth analysis and commentary on global events, providing context and insight into complex issues.
  3. Multilingual Support: The app is available in multiple languages, including English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and many others.
  4. Free to Download: The app is free to download and use, with no subscription or registration required.
  5. High-Quality Audio: The app offers high-quality audio, making it easy to listen to news and current affairs programming on the go.

How to Download:

You can download the BBC World Service News Radio app from the following app stores:

System Requirements:

Overall, the BBC World Service News Radio app is a great way to stay informed about global news and current affairs, with a wide range of features and benefits that make it easy to listen to news and analysis on the go.