Bbc world news video

Here are a few recent BBC World News videos:

Top Stories

  1. Coronavirus: Global cases pass 100 million (March 2021)
    • The number of confirmed coronavirus cases worldwide has passed 100 million, according to the World Health Organization.
    • Watch the video: BBC News
  2. US and Iran: Tensions escalate after rocket attack (March 2021)
    • The US has launched airstrikes against Iranian-backed militia groups in Iraq and Syria, in response to a rocket attack on a US military base in Iraq.
    • Watch the video: BBC News
  3. Covid-19: Vaccine rollout accelerates globally (March 2021)
    • The rollout of Covid-19 vaccines is accelerating globally, with many countries reporting significant increases in vaccination rates.
    • Watch the video: BBC News

In-Depth Reports

  1. The impact of climate change on the world's oceans (February 2021)
    • The BBC's Climate Editor, Justin Rowlatt, explores the devastating impact of climate change on the world's oceans, from rising sea levels to coral bleaching.
    • Watch the video: BBC News
  2. The crisis in Yemen: Five years of war (February 2021)
    • The BBC's Middle East Editor, Jeremy Bowen, reports on the devastating impact of the war in Yemen, which has left millions of people in need of aid.
    • Watch the video: BBC News
  3. The future of work: How automation is changing jobs (January 2021)
    • The BBC's Business Editor, Simon Jack, explores the impact of automation on the world of work, and what it means for the future of employment.
    • Watch the video: BBC News

I hope you find these videos interesting!