Bbc world news tv shows

Here are some popular TV shows on BBC World News:

  1. BBC News at Ten: A daily evening news program that provides in-depth coverage of global news and current events.
  2. BBC World News: A 24-hour news channel that broadcasts news, analysis, and documentaries from around the world.
  3. Hardtalk: A daily interview program that features in-depth conversations with newsmakers and thought leaders from around the world.
  4. The Inquiry: A weekly program that explores the big questions and stories of the week, featuring expert analysis and debate.
  5. The Travel Show: A weekly program that explores different cultures and destinations around the world, featuring travel tips and advice.
  6. Global: A weekly program that covers global news, politics, and culture, featuring in-depth reporting and analysis.
  7. Newshour: A daily program that provides in-depth coverage of global news and current events, featuring expert analysis and debate.
  8. The World Tonight: A daily evening news program that provides in-depth coverage of global news and current events.
  9. Business Live: A daily program that provides live coverage of business news and market updates from around the world.
  10. Sport Today: A daily program that provides live coverage of sports news and updates from around the world.
  11. The Documentary: A weekly program that features in-depth documentaries on a wide range of topics, from science and technology to politics and culture.
  12. The Culture Show: A weekly program that explores the world of arts and culture, featuring interviews with artists, musicians, and writers.
  13. The World's Most Extraordinary People: A weekly program that profiles extraordinary individuals from around the world, featuring inspiring stories and interviews.
  14. The Human Planet: A weekly program that explores the natural world and the impact of human activity on the environment.
  15. The World's Most Mysterious Places: A weekly program that explores the world's most mysterious and fascinating places, featuring expert analysis and interviews.

These are just a few examples of the many TV shows available on BBC World News. The channel offers a wide range of programming, from news and current events to documentaries and cultural shows.