Bbc world news today

Here are the top stories from BBC World News today:

Top Stories

  1. Ukraine-Russia Crisis: The US and its allies have imposed new sanctions on Russia over its actions in Ukraine. The sanctions target Russian banks, energy companies, and individuals close to President Vladimir Putin.
  2. COVID-19 Pandemic: The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that the COVID-19 pandemic is far from over, despite the decline in cases in many countries. The WHO has reported over 300 million cases and 4.5 million deaths worldwide.
  3. US-China Tensions: The US has imposed sanctions on China over its treatment of Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang province. The sanctions target Chinese officials and companies involved in the detention camps.
  4. Iran Nuclear Program: Iran has begun enriching uranium to 20% purity, a level that is higher than the 3.67% allowed under the 2015 nuclear deal. The move is seen as a response to the US withdrawal from the deal.
  5. UK-EU Trade Talks: The UK and EU have agreed to extend the transition period for their trade talks by two months. The talks are aimed at securing a trade deal before the UK's transition period ends on December 31.

Regional News

  1. Middle East: The Israeli military has launched airstrikes on Gaza Strip, targeting Hamas militants. The move comes after a series of rocket attacks on Israel.
  2. Africa: The Democratic Republic of Congo has declared an end to its Ebola outbreak, which killed over 2,200 people.
  3. Asia-Pacific: North Korea has launched a ballistic missile into the sea, in a move that is seen as a test of its military capabilities.
  4. Latin America: The Brazilian government has announced plans to deploy troops to the Amazon rainforest to combat deforestation and wildfires.

Business News

  1. Global Economy: The global economy is expected to contract by 3.3% this year, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
  2. Stock Markets: Global stock markets have fallen sharply in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and economic uncertainty.
  3. Oil Prices: Oil prices have fallen to their lowest level in over a year, due to a decline in demand and a surge in supply.

Sports News

  1. Football: The English Premier League has been suspended indefinitely due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  2. Tennis: The French Open has been postponed until September due to the pandemic.
  3. Cricket: The Indian Premier League (IPL) has been suspended indefinitely due to the pandemic.

These are just some of the top stories from BBC World News today.