Bbc world news thailand raining fish

You're referring to the fascinating phenomenon of "raining fish" in Thailand!

On June 29, 2022, BBC World News reported on a bizarre weather event in Thailand where fish and other aquatic creatures fell from the sky in the province of Nakhon Ratchasima. The incident was captured on video and went viral on social media.

According to eyewitnesses, the fish and other animals, including frogs and even a small snake, began falling from the sky around 10:30 am local time. The phenomenon was attributed to a severe thunderstorm that had passed through the area, causing the fish to be swept up in the storm's updrafts and then dropped back down to earth.

The BBC report noted that the fish were mostly small, with some species identified as mullet and tilapia. Local residents were shocked and amazed by the unusual event, with some even collecting the fallen fish to cook for dinner.

This phenomenon is not unique to Thailand, as similar incidents have been reported in other parts of the world, including India, Japan, and the United States. However, the sheer scale and intensity of the event in Nakhon Ratchasima made it a significant news story.

It's worth noting that "raining fish" is a relatively rare weather phenomenon, and scientists are still working to understand the exact mechanisms behind it. In some cases, it may be attributed to severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, or even volcanic eruptions. In other cases, it could be the result of unusual atmospheric conditions or even a freak occurrence.

Regardless of the cause, the "raining fish" incident in Thailand was a remarkable and unforgettable event that captured the imagination of people around the world!