Bbc world news reporters female

Here are some well-known female BBC World News reporters:

  1. Lyse Doucet - Chief International Correspondent, BBC News
  2. Clive Myrie - Presenter, BBC News at Six and Ten, and BBC World News
  3. Sophie Raworth - Presenter, BBC News at One and Six, and BBC World News
  4. Fiona Bruce - Presenter, BBC News at Six and Ten, and BBC World News
  5. Lucy Hockings - Presenter, BBC World News and BBC News
  6. Martine Crovi - Correspondent, BBC News, covering Europe and the Middle East
  7. Aleem Maqbool - Correspondent, BBC News, covering the Middle East and South Asia
  8. Yalda Hakim - Correspondent, BBC News, covering the Middle East and South Asia
  9. Geeta Guru-Murthy - Correspondent, BBC News, covering Europe and the US
  10. Mariana Sanchez - Correspondent, BBC News, covering Latin America
  11. Shingai Ngoma-Kaunda - Correspondent, BBC News, covering Africa
  12. Ritu Banerjee - Correspondent, BBC News, covering Asia-Pacific
  13. Anna Holligan - Correspondent, BBC News, covering Europe and the US
  14. Sarah Rainsford - Correspondent, BBC News, covering Eastern Europe and the Balkans
  15. Caroline Wyatt - Correspondent, BBC News, covering Europe and the Middle East

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, and there may be other female BBC World News reporters not included here.