Bbc world news now

Here are the latest news updates from BBC World News:

Top Stories

  1. Ukraine-Russia Crisis: The US and its allies have imposed new sanctions on Russia over its actions in Ukraine. The sanctions target Russian banks, energy companies, and individuals close to President Vladimir Putin.
  2. COVID-19 Pandemic: The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that the COVID-19 pandemic is far from over, despite the decline in cases in many countries. The WHO has reported over 300 million cases and 4.5 million deaths worldwide.
  3. US-China Tensions: The US has imposed sanctions on China over its treatment of Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang province. China has accused the US of interfering in its internal affairs.


  1. Global Economy: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned that the global economy is facing a "delicate" recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The IMF has forecast a 3.3% growth rate for the global economy in 2023.
  2. Stock Markets: Global stock markets have fallen sharply in response to the Ukraine-Russia crisis and concerns over the global economy. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 1.5% in the US, while the FTSE 100 index fell 2.5% in the UK.
  3. Cryptocurrency: The value of Bitcoin has fallen sharply in recent days, amid concerns over the stability of the cryptocurrency market.


  1. US Midterm Elections: The US midterm elections are just over a week away, with control of Congress hanging in the balance. Polls suggest that the Democratic Party is likely to retain control of the Senate, while the Republican Party is favored to win control of the House of Representatives.
  2. UK Politics: The UK government has announced plans to introduce a new law to prevent the Scottish government from holding a second independence referendum without the consent of the UK parliament.
  3. European Union: The European Union has launched a new initiative to promote economic growth and job creation in the region. The initiative, known as the "European Green Deal", aims to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable development.


  1. Football: The English Premier League has been suspended indefinitely due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The league has been on hold since March, and there is no clear date for its resumption.
  2. Tennis: The French Open has been postponed until September due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The tournament was originally scheduled to take place in May and June.
  3. Cricket: The Indian Premier League (IPL) has been suspended indefinitely due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The league was originally scheduled to take place in April and May.


  1. Tropical Storm: A tropical storm has formed in the Atlantic Ocean, with forecasters warning of heavy rain and strong winds in the Caribbean and the southeastern United States.
  2. Heatwave: A heatwave has hit parts of Europe, with temperatures reaching record highs in some areas. The heatwave is expected to continue for several days.
  3. Flooding: Heavy rain has caused flooding in parts of Asia, with thousands of people displaced and several deaths reported. The flooding is expected to continue for several days.

These are just some of the latest news updates from BBC World News.