Bbc world news english adesina zakzaky

I couldn't find any recent news articles or broadcasts from BBC World News English about Adesina Zakzaky. However, I can provide some background information on the topic.

Adesina Zakzaky is a Nigerian journalist who has been detained by the Nigerian government since 2015. He was arrested along with his wife, Zeenat, and several others, and has been held without charge or trial for several years.

Zakzaky is the leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria (IMN), a Shia Muslim group that has been involved in several protests and clashes with the government. The group has been accused of violence and human rights abuses, while the government has been criticized for its handling of the group and its members.

In 2015, the Nigerian government launched a military operation against the IMN, which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of people, including Zakzaky's son. Zakzaky himself was shot and injured in the operation.

Since then, Zakzaky has been held in detention, despite repeated calls for his release by human rights groups and international organizations. His health has deteriorated significantly during his detention, and he has been denied access to medical treatment.

The BBC has reported on Zakzaky's detention and the situation in Nigeria, but I couldn't find any recent news articles or broadcasts specifically about him. If you're looking for more information, I recommend searching for news articles or watching documentaries on the topic.