Bbc world news conference grants for graduate students

The BBC World News Conference is a prestigious event that brings together journalists, academics, and industry experts to discuss the latest trends and challenges in global news. While there may not be specific grants available for graduate students to attend the conference, there are other opportunities and resources that you can explore:

  1. BBC World News Conference Scholarships: Although there may not be specific scholarships available for graduate students, the BBC occasionally offers scholarships or bursaries for students and young professionals to attend their conferences. Keep an eye on the BBC's website and social media channels for announcements.
  2. University or departmental funding: Check with your university or department to see if they offer any funding or grants for students to attend conferences or workshops. Some universities may have specific funds for students to attend international conferences or events.
  3. Research councils or organizations: If you're a graduate student conducting research in a specific field related to global news, you may be eligible for funding from research councils or organizations. For example, the British Academy, the Leverhulme Trust, or the ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council) may offer grants for research-related activities.
  4. Journalism organizations: Professional journalism organizations, such as the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) or the International Association of Journalists (IAJ), may offer grants or scholarships for students or young journalists to attend conferences or workshops.
  5. Crowdfunding: You can also consider crowdfunding platforms like GoFundMe or Kickstarter to raise funds for your conference attendance. Create a campaign, share it with your network, and see if you can raise the necessary funds.
  6. Apply for a conference pass: If you're unable to secure funding, you can still apply for a conference pass and attend the event. The BBC World News Conference may offer discounted passes for students or young professionals.

To increase your chances of securing funding or a conference pass, make sure to:

Remember to also explore other opportunities, such as internships, fellowships, or research assistantships, which can help you gain experience and build your network in the field of global news.