Bbc world news america today

Here are the top stories from BBC World News America for today:

Top Stories

  1. US-China Trade Talks Resume: The US and China have resumed trade talks in Beijing, with both sides seeking to resolve their differences and avoid a further escalation of tariffs. The talks come after a meeting between US President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping at the G20 summit in Osaka, Japan, where they agreed to restart negotiations.
  2. Hong Kong Protests Continue: Pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong have continued for a fifth consecutive weekend, with thousands of people taking to the streets to demand greater autonomy from China. The protests have been met with tear gas and rubber bullets from police, and there have been reports of violence and arrests.
  3. Iran-US Tensions Escalate: Tensions between the US and Iran have escalated after the US accused Iran of attacking two oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman. Iran has denied the allegations, but the US has deployed an aircraft carrier and B-52 bombers to the region in response.
  4. UK-EU Brexit Talks: The UK and EU have resumed Brexit talks in Brussels, with the UK seeking to agree a new withdrawal deal with the EU. The talks come after the UK's parliament rejected the government's previous withdrawal deal, and the EU has given the UK an extension until October 31 to leave the EU.
  5. US-Mexico Border Crisis: The US and Mexico have agreed to a new deal to address the crisis at the US-Mexico border, which has seen a surge in migrants attempting to cross into the US. The deal includes a commitment from Mexico to take back more migrants who are seeking asylum in the US.


  1. US Stock Market Rises: The US stock market has risen to a record high, driven by strong economic growth and optimism about the US-China trade talks.
  2. Oil Prices Fall: Oil prices have fallen after the US accused Iran of attacking two oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman, which has raised concerns about the stability of global oil supplies.
  3. Amazon to Create 25,000 Jobs: Amazon has announced plans to create 25,000 new jobs in the US, as part of its expansion plans in the country.


  1. US Women's Soccer Team Wins World Cup: The US women's soccer team has won the Women's World Cup for the fourth time, defeating the Netherlands 2-0 in the final.
  2. MLB All-Star Game: The MLB All-Star Game has taken place in Cleveland, with the American League defeating the National League 4-3.


  1. Heatwave Hits Europe: A heatwave has hit Europe, with temperatures reaching record highs in several countries. The heatwave has been caused by a high-pressure system that has brought hot air from North Africa.
  2. Hurricane Barry Makes Landfall: Hurricane Barry has made landfall in Louisiana, bringing strong winds and heavy rain to the region. The storm has been downgraded to a tropical storm, but is still expected to cause significant damage.