Bbc world news africa nigeria

Here are some recent news articles from BBC World News Africa related to Nigeria:

Latest News

  1. Nigeria's president Buhari to seek re-election: Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari has announced that he will seek re-election in the country's 2023 presidential election. (BBC News, 11 November 2022)
  2. Nigeria's economy grows, but challenges remain: Nigeria's economy has grown for the first time in three years, but the country still faces significant challenges, including high inflation and a large trade deficit. (BBC News, 26 October 2022)
  3. Nigeria's Kaduna state bans hijab in schools: The government of Nigeria's Kaduna state has banned the use of hijab in schools, sparking controversy and protests from Muslim groups. (BBC News, 21 October 2022)

Top Stories

  1. Nigeria's security crisis: What's behind the violence?: Nigeria is facing a growing security crisis, with attacks by armed groups and bandits causing widespread violence and displacement. (BBC News, 15 October 2022)
  2. Nigeria's economy: How can it be fixed?: Nigeria's economy has been struggling for years, with high inflation, a large trade deficit, and a lack of investment. (BBC News, 8 October 2022)
  3. Nigeria's politics: What's next for President Buhari?: President Muhammadu Buhari's term in office is coming to an end, and there is speculation about his plans for the future. (BBC News, 1 October 2022)

In-Depth Analysis

  1. Nigeria's security crisis: The role of politics and corruption: The security crisis in Nigeria is complex and multifaceted, with political and corruption issues playing a significant role. (BBC News, 24 September 2022)
  2. Nigeria's economy: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on Nigeria's economy, with the country's GDP shrinking by over 2% in 2020. (BBC News, 17 September 2022)
  3. Nigeria's politics: The rise of the opposition: The opposition in Nigeria is gaining strength, with several opposition parties fielding candidates in the 2023 presidential election. (BBC News, 10 September 2022)