Bbc world news adesina zakzaky

I think you may be referring to the BBC News article about Ibrahim Zakzaky, a Nigerian Islamic cleric who has been in detention since 2015.

Here is a summary of the article:

Title: Nigeria: Sheikh Zakzaky's wife dies in detention, family says

Date: August 12, 2020

Summary: The wife of Nigerian Islamic cleric Ibrahim Zakzaky, who has been in detention since 2015, has died in custody, his family says. Zeenat Ibrahim Zakzaky, 45, was arrested along with her husband in 2015 after a military crackdown on his Shia Muslim group, the Islamic Movement in Nigeria (IMN). The family claims she died on August 6 due to medical neglect, while the authorities have not commented on her death.

Background: Ibrahim Zakzaky, also known as Sheikh Zakzaky, is the leader of the IMN, a Shia Muslim group that has been involved in several protests and clashes with the Nigerian government. In 2015, the military launched a crackdown on the group, killing hundreds of people and arresting many others, including Zakzaky and his wife. Zakzaky has been in detention since then, despite several court orders for his release.

Reaction: The family of Zeenat Zakzaky has accused the Nigerian government of neglecting her medical condition, which had deteriorated significantly during her detention. The IMN has called for her body to be released for burial, while the government has not commented on her death.

International reaction: Human rights groups have condemned the death of Zeenat Zakzaky, calling for an investigation into the circumstances surrounding her death. The Nigerian government has faced international criticism for its treatment of Zakzaky and his followers.

Please note that this is a summary of a BBC News article and may not reflect the full content of the article.