Bbc us news

Here are the latest news stories from the BBC US News section:

Top Stories

  1. US and China agree to phase one trade deal: The US and China have agreed to a phase one trade deal, which will see China increase its purchases of US goods and services.
  2. Trump impeachment: Senate trial to begin: The impeachment trial of US President Donald Trump is set to begin in the Senate, with the House of Representatives having voted to impeach him on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.
  3. US-China tensions: What's at stake in the trade war: The US-China trade war has been ongoing for over two years, with both sides imposing tariffs on each other's goods. Here's what's at stake.


  1. Trump impeachment: What happens next?: The impeachment trial of US President Donald Trump is set to begin in the Senate. Here's what happens next.
  2. US election 2020: What's at stake in the Democratic primary?: The Democratic primary is heating up, with several candidates vying for the nomination to take on President Trump in the general election.
  3. US government shutdown: What's happening and why?: The US government has been partially shut down since December, with President Trump and Congress unable to agree on a spending bill.


  1. US economy: What's driving the growth?: The US economy has been growing steadily, driven by low unemployment and rising consumer spending.
  2. Amazon's Jeff Bezos becomes world's richest person: Amazon's founder and CEO, Jeff Bezos, has become the world's richest person, according to Forbes.
  3. US-China trade deal: What does it mean for business?: The phase one trade deal between the US and China could have significant implications for businesses on both sides.


  1. Iran-US tensions: What's happening and why?: Tensions between Iran and the US have been escalating, with the US imposing sanctions on Iran and Iran threatening to retaliate.
  2. North Korea-US relations: What's happening and why?: Relations between North Korea and the US have been strained, with the US imposing sanctions on North Korea and North Korea conducting nuclear tests.
  3. UK-US relations: What's happening and why?: Relations between the UK and the US have been strained, with the UK's decision to leave the EU and the US imposing tariffs on UK goods.