Bbc urdu newspaper news papers

You're looking for BBC Urdu news papers! Here are a few options:

  1. BBC Urdu Online: The official BBC Urdu website ( provides up-to-date news, analysis, and features on current events, politics, sports, and more, all in Urdu.
  2. BBC Urdu News App: Download the BBC Urdu News app (available for Android and iOS) to stay updated with the latest news, breaking news, and in-depth coverage of global and regional issues.
  3. BBC Urdu Podcasts: Tune in to BBC Urdu podcasts, such as "BBC Urdu News" and "BBC Urdu Analysis", which offer in-depth discussions and analysis on various topics.
  4. BBC Urdu Social Media: Follow BBC Urdu on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to stay updated with the latest news, videos, and live streams.

Some popular BBC Urdu news papers and publications include:

  1. BBC Urdu News: A daily news bulletin that covers local and international news, politics, sports, and more.
  2. BBC Urdu Analysis: In-depth analysis and commentary on current events, politics, and social issues.
  3. BBC Urdu Features: In-depth reports and features on various topics, including culture, society, and human interest stories.
  4. BBC Urdu Sports: News, analysis, and features on sports, including cricket, football, and more.

These resources provide a wealth of information and insights on current events, politics, and more, all in Urdu.