Bbc urdu news video

You can find BBC Urdu news videos on the BBC Urdu website or on YouTube. Here are a few ways to access BBC Urdu news videos:

  1. BBC Urdu Website: You can visit the BBC Urdu website at and click on the "Video" tab to access a range of news videos in Urdu.
  2. BBC Urdu YouTube Channel: The BBC Urdu YouTube channel has a vast collection of news videos in Urdu. You can search for specific topics or keywords, such as "Pakistan news" or "India news", to find relevant videos.
  3. BBC News YouTube Channel: The BBC News YouTube channel also has a range of news videos in Urdu, including news bulletins, analysis, and documentaries. You can search for "BBC Urdu" or "BBC News Urdu" to find relevant videos.

Some popular BBC Urdu news videos include:

Here are a few examples of BBC Urdu news videos: