Bbc urdu news live video

You can watch BBC Urdu news live video on the following platforms:

  1. BBC Urdu Website: You can visit the BBC Urdu website ( and click on the "Live" tab to watch live news videos.
  2. BBC Urdu YouTube Channel: You can subscribe to the BBC Urdu YouTube channel ( and watch live news videos.
  3. BBC iPlayer: You can watch BBC Urdu news live on the BBC iPlayer website ( by selecting the "Urdu" language option.
  4. BBC Urdu App: You can download the BBC Urdu app on your mobile device and watch live news videos.

Please note that the availability of live news videos may vary depending on your location and the BBC's broadcasting schedule.

Here is the link to the BBC Urdu live news video:

You can also search for "BBC Urdu live" on YouTube or other video streaming platforms to find live news videos.