Bbc urdu news download

You can download BBC Urdu news in various ways:

  1. BBC Urdu Website: You can visit the official BBC Urdu website ( and download the latest news articles, videos, and podcasts in Urdu.
  2. BBC Urdu App: Download the BBC Urdu app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. The app allows you to access the latest news, videos, and podcasts in Urdu.
  3. Podcasts: You can download BBC Urdu podcasts from various platforms such as:
  4. RSS Feeds: You can subscribe to BBC Urdu RSS feeds to receive the latest news updates in your favorite RSS reader.
  5. News Aggregators: You can also find BBC Urdu news on various news aggregators such as NewsIn Urdu, Urdu News, and others.

Remember to always verify the authenticity of the sources and be cautious when downloading files from the internet.