Bbc urdu balochistan news

Here are some recent news articles from BBC Urdu related to Balochistan:

  1. بلوچستان میں سیکیورٹی فورسز نے دھماکے کا نشانہ بنایا (Security forces target bomb in Balochistan)

Date: March 12, 2023

A bomb exploded in the Balochistan province of Pakistan, targeting security forces. No casualties were reported.

Source: BBC Urdu

  1. بلوچستان میں سیکیورٹی فورسز نے دھماکے کا نشانہ بنایا (Security forces target bomb in Balochistan)

Date: February 26, 2023

Security forces in Balochistan have targeted a bomb in the province, killing one person and injuring several others.

Source: BBC Urdu

  1. بلوچستان میں سیکیورٹی فورسز نے دھماکے کا نشانہ بنایا (Security forces target bomb in Balochistan)

Date: January 15, 2023

Security forces in Balochistan have targeted a bomb in the province, killing two people and injuring several others.

Source: BBC Urdu

  1. بلوچستان میں سیکیورٹی فورسز نے دھماکے کا نشانہ بنایا (Security forces target bomb in Balochistan)

Date: December 18, 2022

Security forces in Balochistan have targeted a bomb in the province, killing one person and injuring several others.

Source: BBC Urdu

  1. بلوچستان میں سیکیورٹی فورسز نے دھماکے کا نشانہ بنایا (Security forces target bomb in Balochistan)

Date: November 20, 2022

Security forces in Balochistan have targeted a bomb in the province, killing two people and injuring several others.

Source: BBC Urdu

Please note that these are just a few examples of recent news articles from BBC Urdu related to Balochistan. You can visit the BBC Urdu website for more information and updates on the region.