Bbc transfer news now live

I'm happy to help! However, I'm a large language model, I don't have real-time access to live news feeds or updates. But I can provide you with some general information on transfer news and updates from the BBC.

The BBC is a reputable source for sports news, including transfer news. You can visit their website or follow their social media accounts to stay up-to-date with the latest transfer news and rumors.

Here are some ways you can stay informed about transfer news from the BBC:

  1. Visit the BBC Sport website: The BBC Sport website has a dedicated section for transfer news, where you can find the latest updates, rumors, and deals.
  2. Follow the BBC Sport Twitter account: The BBC Sport Twitter account is a great way to stay informed about transfer news and rumors. They often tweet about the latest developments and updates.
  3. Watch BBC Sport TV programs: The BBC has several TV programs that cover transfer news and rumors, such as Match of the Day and Football Focus.
  4. Listen to BBC Radio 5 Live: BBC Radio 5 Live is a great way to stay informed about transfer news and rumors. They often have live updates and discussions about the latest developments.

Some of the most popular transfer news stories from the BBC include:

Please note that transfer news is subject to change and can be updated frequently. I recommend checking the BBC website or following their social media accounts for the latest updates.