Bbc radio news script

Here is a sample script for a BBC Radio News bulletin:

[Intro music plays]

Announcer: "Good evening, I'm [Announcer's name] and this is the BBC Radio News. Here's a summary of the latest news from around the world."

[News theme music plays]

Announcer: "The UK's Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, has announced a new package of measures to support the country's economy in the face of rising inflation and a potential recession. The package includes a cut in value-added tax and an increase in the national living wage. We'll have more on this story later in the bulletin."

[Soundbite of Chancellor Rishi Sunak speaking]

Chancellor Rishi Sunak: "We're taking decisive action to support the British people and businesses through these challenging times. Our package of measures will help to reduce the cost of living and support economic growth."

Announcer: "Meanwhile, the European Union has announced plans to impose sanctions on Belarus following the country's crackdown on opposition protesters. The sanctions will target key figures in the Belarusian government and will come into effect next week."

[Soundbite of EU spokesperson speaking]

EU Spokesperson: "The EU will not stand idly by while the people of Belarus are being brutally suppressed. We will take all necessary measures to hold those responsible accountable."

Announcer: "In the US, the Federal Reserve has raised interest rates for the first time in four years in an effort to combat inflation. The move is expected to have a significant impact on the global economy."

[Soundbite of Federal Reserve Chair speaking]

Federal Reserve Chair: "We're taking this action to ensure that the US economy remains strong and stable. We're committed to keeping inflation low and stable."

Announcer: "And finally, a major fire has broken out at a chemical plant in France, forcing the evacuation of nearby residents. The cause of the fire is not yet known, but emergency services are working to contain the blaze."

[Soundbite of French fire chief speaking]

French Fire Chief: "We're doing everything we can to put out the fire and ensure the safety of those in the surrounding area. We'll have more information as it becomes available."

[Outro music plays]

Announcer: "That's all for now. Thank you for listening to the BBC Radio News. We'll be back with more news after the break."

[Break music plays]

This script is just a sample, and the actual content and tone of a BBC Radio News bulletin may vary depending on the specific news stories and events of the day.