Bbc persian news

BBC Persian News (BBC پارس) is the Persian-language service of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), which provides news, current affairs, and cultural programming to Iran and other Persian-speaking countries. Here are some key facts about BBC Persian News:

History: BBC Persian News was launched in 2004, initially as a radio service, and later expanded to include television and online content.

Target audience: The service is primarily aimed at Iranians and other Persian-speaking people around the world, including those living in Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and other countries with significant Persian-speaking populations.

Content: BBC Persian News offers a wide range of programming, including:

  1. News: In-depth coverage of national and international news, including politics, economics, sports, and culture.
  2. Current affairs: Analysis and debate on key issues affecting Iran and the Persian-speaking world.
  3. Documentary films: Investigative documentaries on various topics, such as human rights, politics, and social issues.
  4. Features: In-depth profiles of individuals, organizations, and events that shape the Persian-speaking world.
  5. Entertainment: Music, drama, and comedy programs, as well as cultural and educational content.

Broadcasting: BBC Persian News is available through various platforms, including:

  1. Television: BBC Persian TV is broadcast via satellite and cable in Iran, Afghanistan, and other countries.
  2. Radio: BBC Persian Radio is available on FM and online.
  3. Online: BBC Persian News is available on the BBC website and mobile app, as well as on social media platforms.

Censorship: Due to the Iranian government's restrictions on foreign media, BBC Persian News is not officially broadcast in Iran. However, many Iranians use satellite dishes and other means to access the service.

Controversies: BBC Persian News has faced criticism and controversy over the years, including allegations of bias and propaganda. The Iranian government has also accused the service of promoting "soft war" and "cultural invasion."

Awards and recognition: BBC Persian News has won numerous awards for its journalism and programming, including the prestigious Bayeux Calvados-Normandy Prize for War Correspondents.

Overall, BBC Persian News is a respected and influential source of news and information for the Persian-speaking world, providing a platform for diverse voices and perspectives.