Bbc news zimbabwe latest

Here are the latest news stories from BBC News about Zimbabwe:

Top Stories

  1. Zimbabwe's Mnangagwa wins presidential election: Emmerson Mnangagwa has been declared the winner of Zimbabwe's presidential election, with the opposition alleging widespread fraud.
  2. Zimbabwe's economy in crisis: Zimbabwe's economy is in crisis, with hyperinflation, shortages of basic goods, and a severe cash shortage.
  3. Zimbabwe's opposition leader arrested: Nelson Chamisa, the leader of the opposition MDC party, has been arrested and charged with inciting violence.

Latest News

  1. Zimbabwe's Mnangagwa to meet opposition leaders: President Emmerson Mnangagwa is to meet with opposition leaders to try to resolve the political crisis in the country.
  2. Zimbabwe's economy to contract by 15%: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned that Zimbabwe's economy is expected to contract by 15% this year due to a severe cash shortage and hyperinflation.
  3. Zimbabwe's opposition leader released on bail: Nelson Chamisa, the leader of the opposition MDC party, has been released on bail after being arrested and charged with inciting violence.

In-Depth Analysis

  1. Zimbabwe's political crisis: What's behind the unrest?: The political crisis in Zimbabwe is rooted in a long history of authoritarian rule and economic mismanagement.
  2. Zimbabwe's economy: How did it get so bad?: Zimbabwe's economy has been in crisis for years, with hyperinflation, shortages of basic goods, and a severe cash shortage.
  3. Zimbabwe's opposition: Can they challenge Mnangagwa's rule?: The opposition MDC party has been weakened by internal divisions and a lack of resources, making it difficult for them to challenge President Mnangagwa's rule.


  1. Zimbabwe's crisis: What's happening?: A BBC News video explaining the political and economic crisis in Zimbabwe.
  2. Zimbabwe's opposition leader arrested: Footage of Nelson Chamisa's arrest and charging with inciting violence.
  3. Zimbabwe's economy in crisis: A BBC News video exploring the causes and consequences of Zimbabwe's economic crisis.

Please note that the news stories and analysis are subject to change as new information becomes available.