Bbc news youtube

The BBC News YouTube channel is a popular source of news and current events from the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). Here are some key features and facts about the BBC News YouTube channel:


  1. Live News Streams: The channel offers live news streams from around the world, including breaking news, news bulletins, and special reports.
  2. In-depth Analysis: BBC News provides in-depth analysis and commentary on major news stories, featuring experts and correspondents from around the world.
  3. Video Reports: The channel produces high-quality video reports on a wide range of topics, including politics, business, entertainment, and more.
  4. Interviews: BBC News conducts exclusive interviews with newsmakers, politicians, and celebrities, providing unique insights and perspectives.
  5. Documentaries: The channel produces documentaries on various topics, including current events, history, and science.


  1. Established in 2005: The BBC News YouTube channel was launched in 2005, making it one of the oldest and most established news channels on the platform.
  2. Over 20 million subscribers: As of 2023, the channel has over 20 million subscribers, making it one of the most popular news channels on YouTube.
  3. Over 10 billion views: The channel has received over 10 billion views since its launch, making it one of the most viewed news channels on the platform.
  4. Multi-language support: The channel offers news and content in multiple languages, including English, Spanish, French, Arabic, and more.
  5. Award-winning journalism: The BBC News YouTube channel has won numerous awards for its journalism, including the BAFTA TV Award for Best News Coverage.

Popular content:

  1. Coronavirus updates: The channel provides regular updates on the COVID-19 pandemic, including news, analysis, and expert commentary.
  2. US Election coverage: The channel offers extensive coverage of US presidential elections, including news, analysis, and live debates.
  3. Brexit updates: The channel provides regular updates on the UK's withdrawal from the European Union, including news, analysis, and expert commentary.
  4. Climate change coverage: The channel offers in-depth coverage of climate change, including news, analysis, and expert commentary.
  5. Sports news: The channel provides news and analysis on various sports, including football, cricket, tennis, and more.

Overall, the BBC News YouTube channel is a trusted and authoritative source of news and current events, offering a wide range of content and perspectives from around the world.