Bbc news yoruba video

You're looking for BBC News videos in the Yoruba language! Here are a few options:

  1. BBC News Yoruba YouTube Channel: The official BBC News Yoruba YouTube channel has a vast collection of news videos in the Yoruba language. You can find videos on various topics, including politics, sports, entertainment, and more.

[Channel Link:]

  1. BBC News Yoruba on BBC iPlayer: If you're in the UK, you can access BBC News Yoruba videos on the BBC iPlayer website or app. You can search for "BBC News Yoruba" and filter the results by date or topic.

[Website Link:]

  1. BBC News Yoruba on Facebook: The BBC News Yoruba Facebook page also shares news videos in the Yoruba language. You can find videos on various topics, including news, sports, and entertainment.

[Facebook Page Link:]

  1. BBC News Yoruba on Twitter: You can also follow the BBC News Yoruba Twitter handle to stay updated on the latest news and videos in the Yoruba language.

[Twitter Handle: @bbcnewsyoruba]

Please note that some of these options might require you to have a VPN or be located in the UK to access the content.