Bbc news update video

Here is a BBC News update video:

Latest News from the BBC

[Video plays with a news anchor speaking]

News Anchor: "Hello and welcome to the BBC News at [time]. I'm [anchor name]. Here's a summary of the latest news from around the world."

[Cut to a graphic with the latest news headlines]

News Anchor: "The UK has announced plans to introduce a new law to tackle online hate speech. The government says the legislation will make it easier to prosecute social media companies for failing to remove harmful content."

[Cut to a video clip of a government official speaking]

Government Official: "We want to make sure that social media companies are held accountable for the content that they allow on their platforms. This new law will give us the powers we need to do that."

News Anchor: "Meanwhile, the US has imposed sanctions on several senior officials in Venezuela, in a bid to pressure the government to hold elections. The move comes after the country's opposition leader was arrested and charged with treason."

[Cut to a video clip of a politician speaking]

Politician: "We will not be intimidated by the Maduro regime's attempts to silence us. We will continue to fight for democracy and freedom in Venezuela."

News Anchor: "And in the world of sport, England has won the Cricket World Cup for the first time in 44 years, defeating New Zealand in a thrilling final at Lord's."

[Cut to a video clip of cricket players celebrating]

News Anchor: "That's all for now. Thank you for watching the BBC News at [time]. We'll be back with more news after this break."

[Video ends with a BBC News logo and a call to action to visit the BBC News website]